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Free Legal Advice and Administrative Procedure Support for Foreign Residents

Date & Time: Apr. 23 (Wed), 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Click here for details>>>

Donations for the Noto Peninsula Heavy Rain Disaster

We have started collecting donations to support those affected by the heavy rains that occurred in Noto in September 2024. We appreciate your cooperation.

Taiwan earthquake donation

Appreciation for donations to the Taiwan earthquake.
We donated 45,000 yen (as of July 15th) to the certified NPO Peace Winds Japan ("ARROWS" Flying Search and Rescue Team).

Donation for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

We collected 168,339 yen in donations for the Noto Peninsula earthquake and were able to send the money to Japanese Red Cross Society on April 30th.
Thank you very much for your warm support.

Thank you for donating to Ukraine

Thanks to your warm support, we have raised 850,000 yen as of March 31. This donation is used for medical expenses, clothing, books for learning Japanese, and other expenses for Ukrainian people living in Kashiwa City. We appreciate your continued support.

Opening of Tokyo Immigration and Residence Office, Matsudo Branch

Opening hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
Services: Residence-related applications, applications for certificates of eligibility
Address: 8F Kite Mite Matsudo, 1307-1 Matsudo, Matsudo-shi, Chiba 271-0092
Phone: 047-701-5472

Humanitarian Crisis Relief for Ukraine

Thanks to your warm support, we were able to send 177,000 yen (as of 3/31) to the Japanese Red Cross Society. Hereafter, together with the City of Kashiwa, we will support Ukrainians who have taken refuge in Kashiwa. We will continue to have a donation box at the KCC office and would appreciate your support.

We are also looking for volunteers to help Ukrainians. If you are interested in helping us with interpretation, translation, daily life assistance, or hosting a homestay, please register on our website.

Cross-cultural Teatime

Click here for details>>>

Stage Performers for International Exchange Festa Wanted!

Click here for details>>>

For Foreign Residents, please check Koho Kashiwa (Official Kashiwa City Bulletin).

You can find an information about COVID-19 vaccine.

KCC News Letters

◆KCC News Letters>>>



■Information from KIRA
■Information from other than KIRA
■Picture Album


■Host Family
■Exchange Program


■Japanese Language Class
■KIRA Language Classes


■Free Legal and Administrative Consultation
 for Foreign People
■Living Information for Foreigners




Kashiwa International
Relations Association

1-7-1-301 Kashiwa Kashiwa-shi

Close:Sunday・National holiday